wheek! wheek!

Hello and welcome! You have reached Little Hams. This is the only TFL-approved fanlisting for guinea pigs. If you are a fan of these adorable little carrotgrubbers, please feel free to join the list and show your love.

Navigation is to the left, under the image. :) Information on fanlistings and guinea pigs can be found under About, and the rest should be self-explanatory. Thank you for visiting and please enjoy your stay!

fanlisting stats

The fanlisting was last updated on March 15, 2025, and has a total of 267 fans.
LH is a part of The Fanlistings Network, Count the Ways, and ohmydarling.org.

site news

Aug 19, 2024: Moved back to ohmydarling.org. :)

Owner: Sarah
Since July 22, 2006. Site dedicated to Pepper & Buddy ♥