hey there!

Hello, and welcome to The Nose Knows, the approved fanlisting for Beagles. This fanlisting is listed under the Animals category and the Mammals: Canines subcategory. If you are a fan of these mischievous, hungry, and eternally loyal little hounds, please feel free to join the list!

This fanlisting was previously ownewd by Susanna. She was kind enough to adopt it to me, and for that I am forever grateful. ♥ Beagles are my favorite breed of dog ever and there are no words to describe how much they mean to me, or to express my gratitude for being trusted with this fanlisting. Thank you, Susanna!!

fanlisting stats

Last Updated: January 04, 2025
Members: 4

site updates

August 20, 2024 - Moved back to ohmydarling.org. I want to keep the notice that all members were lost back around Dec 2023, so if that includes you, please rejoin!