
Greetings! Welcome to Just Can't Get Enough, the original webclique dedicated to the wonderful thing known as food. More specifically, this clique's purpose is to let you claim your favorite food. Do you love pizza to no end? Could you eat strawberries every day of your life and never get tired of them? Then you've come to the right place! No, not because we give you free pizza or strawberries (sorry!), but because you can join this little clique to let people know which food you love and just can't get enough of. That's what cliques are for, really - expressing your interests and letting people know your passions. So have a look around and if you want to join, please don't hesitate!

Navigation is to your left. Check out the rules to make sure you know what's needed/required for joining, grab a code for your site, then go ahead and join to share your love of food! Thank you for visiting, and I do hope you will add your name to our list.


JCGE was last updated on February 15, 2025. There are 34 members.

Part of since 2013. Participant in the Clique Happy! Marathon at Amassment.

Project Clique

major updates

Aug 25, 2024: After quite a while of not updating this place and then about 8 months of downtime, JCGE is back. I have a more reliable join form now, so updates around here will be more frequent. (As long as people join, of course!)